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Digital Earth Maldives Initiative

Digital Earth Maldives Initiative

A platform to access Earth Observation data across the Maldives and its use-case tools, in an un-biased, transparent, reliable manner for research, monitoring, management, and informed decision-making. The Digital Earth Maldives Initiative aims to deliver data such as shoreline change, land and benthic cover detection, and water level variations across the country, which can be used for applications such as erosion monitoring, management of marine protected areas, and improving early warnings. 

GEOP is a project aimed at utilizing innovative earth observation technologies, such as hyperspectral and SAR imaging, in order to demonstrate the benefits it can bring in understanding and managing climate risks and environmental issues in the Maldives.


Digital Earth Maldives Initiative

A platform to access Earth Observation data across the Maldives and its use-case tools, in an un-biased, transparent, reliable manner for research, monitoring, management, and informed decision-making. The Digital Earth Maldives Initiative aims to deliver data such as shoreline change, land and benthic cover detection, and water level variations across the country, which can be used for applications such as erosion monitoring, management of marine protected areas, and improving early warnings. 


Years of Data


Day (approx.) Data Frequency




The Maldives' unique geography poses significant challenges to consistent environmental data collection.

The scattered geography of the Maldivian archipelago (1200+ islands spread out over 850 km) creates logistical, financial, and accessibility hurdles that make it difficult to consistently collect environmental data using traditional in-situ surveying methods. This lack of data presents barriers to understanding our changing ecosystems, identifying fundamental vulnerabilities, and making informed decisions regarding improving resilience and developing effective adaptation measures. 

The scattered geography of the Maldivian archipelago (1200+ islands spread out over 850 km) creates logistical, financial, and accessibility hurdles that make it difficult to consistently collect environmental data using traditional in-situ surveying methods. This lack of data presents barriers to understanding our changing ecosystems, identifying fundamental vulnerabilities, and making informed decisions regarding improving resilience and developing effective adaptation measures. 


Earth observation offers a sustainable way to collect data across the Maldives with fewer logistical challenges.

Earth observation presents an opportunity frequently collect data over large areas of the Maldives, with minimal logistical and accessibility challenges, presenting a more sustainable method for ongoing, long-term data collection. 


Through the Digital Earth Maldives initiative, MSRO aims to make this data and the products derived from this data, accessible to technical and non-technical users in an easy-to-use manner. 


Earth observation presents an opportunity frequently collect data over large areas of the Maldives, with minimal logistical and accessibility challenges, presenting a more sustainable method for ongoing, long-term data collection. 


Through the Digital Earth Maldives initiative, MSRO aims to make this data and the products derived from this data, accessible to technical and non-technical users in an easy-to-use manner. 


Expected Outcomes


Shoreline and Coastal Erosion

Detect shoreline changes for each island to identify erosion patterns and develop effective strategies.


Shallow-Water Bathymetry

Derive accurate reef flat depths using satellite data to support vessel and seaplane operations.


Classify and monitor ecosystems

Classify ecosystems across the Maldives and monitor protected areas using IUCN’s typology.


Ground-Truthing Data

Deploy low-cost environmental sensor arrays to validate Earth observation data sustainably.


Data Management

Develop data infrastructure to host and deliver accessible, long-term datasets for various users.


Data Intelligence

Create tools to integrate data into workflows, supporting decision-making and resilience.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

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Lets work together to make a difference

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© 2021 MSRO. A non-profit. All rights reserved.